Hybrid working

Hybrid working describes the form of work that is common today, in which employees not only work in the office, but also in the office, in the home office and on the move.

Is your company Hybrid Work ready?

Many companies today work in a "hybrid work" culture. This means that employees work both in the office and from home and can also switch between the office and home as required. A variety of different tools, video conferencing solutions and methods are available to consistently implement this way of working.

We have been supporting our customers in the fields of video conferencing, AV and media technology for over 25 years. As a manufacturer-independent and comprehensively certified system house, we have implemented an enormous range of individual projects for our customers. Take advantage of our experience and let us help you implement your individual hybrid work concept.

Overcoming the challenges of hybrid work

Achieving Meeting Equality

"Meeting Equality" describes the equal rights of your employees in your meetings, regardless of where they work. In practice, this means that employees from the home office can take part in the meeting in the same way as employees working on the train or colleagues in the conference room. However, mere attendance is not enough; participation and presence must also be of equal value.

So erreichen Sie Meeting Equality

A good "spaces ratio"

Our guideline for the number of "Spaces" to employees is our self-developed Spaces Ratio, the ratio of employees to meeting rooms to conference rooms, which is 40:4:1. In practice, this means that every employee workstation also contains a proportion of meeting and conference rooms. As long as this ratio is guaranteed, we can ensure that we do not lose the effectiveness of our workforce.

Darum brauchen Sie eine Spaces Ratio

Zoom Combat fatigue

Zoom fatigue describes the exhaustion and tiredness that occurs when you participate in various video conferences throughout the day. A big reason for Zoom fatigue is that communicating via video conferencing is often more tiring than the normal, local communication that people are used to. This is a key factor to consider in your hybrid strategy.

Mehr zu Zoom Fatigue erfahren

Solutions for hybrid work

Software for hybrid work

Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Zoom and Cisco WebEx are the largest platforms that enable hybrid work. However, which solution is best for you depends on your company - trust our expertise and recommendations.

Alle Videokonferenz-Plattformen

Hardware for hybrid work

After choosing the right platform, it is essential that you exploit the full potential of your solution by using the right and appropriate technology. DEKOM will help you choose the best equipment.

Unsere Hardware für Hybrid Work

Hybrid events & trade fairs

Would you like to adopt a hybrid approach not only for your employees, but also for your customers at events, conferences and trade fairs? With the right solutions, you can multiply your potential number of guests.

Alles zu Hybriden Veranstaltungen