Zwei DEKOM Mitarbeiter installieren DEKOM Juno, einen Großen Bildschirm auf einer Holzmedia Steele mit integrierter Technik

Procurement & Installation

How we implement projects

Project, trade & assembly plan

The entire implementation of your project is based on project, trade and assembly planning. This means you always have an overview of your project status.

Change management

Understanding the impact of our devices on our customers' infrastructures is essential. We implement new technologies efficiently in your company.


Our trained Service & Support employees from our Competence Center configure your solutions according to your requirements.


When it comes to highly individual solutions and requirements, there are often no out-of-the-box solutions. However, we have certified and trained programmers to fulfill your wishes.


Our logistics department ensures the smooth delivery of your products. Whether curbside delivery or direct delivery to the point of installation, we make logistics as easy as possible for you.


For installation, we use our in-house technicians and fitters, for whom a competent and professional installation is just as important as it is for you.


Whether Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Cisco or Pexip, all your devices need to be licensed accordingly. We will of course take care of this for you.

Quality assurance

We carry out quality assurance directly during installation. For us, the installation is only complete when everything is working perfectly and you can get started.

The DEKOM project process

Consulting & Sales

We determine the necessary services for you and find your personal contact.

To consulting & sales

Procurement & Installation

We turn the concept planned with you into reality with the help of our experienced technicians and project managers.

Service & Support

We guarantee the long-term availability of your devices based on your individual service concept.

To Service & Support

Planning & Conception

We develop a ready-made concept for you that meets all your requirements and achieves your stated goals.

To planning & conception

Training & Utilisation

We evaluate the use of your new solution and help you to optimize it.

To training & use