Audio technology

Our audio systems guarantee outstanding voice quality and reliability without compromise.

Important terms

Noise canceling

Noise canceling effectively filters out distracting background noise, such as colleagues' voices, keyboard strokes or fan noise. This improves the meeting experience and ensures optimum sound in all situations. Even in noisy environments, noise canceling ensures that your voice is heard clearly and distinctly.

Noise-canceling technology provides you with a high-quality audio experience and maximum speech intelligibility during your video conferences.

Beamforming / Speaker tracking

A microphone array consists of several microphone capsules that generate a microphone beam. This technology is known as beam tracking. In contrast to static beamforming, where several microphone beams are defined for certain speaker zones, beamtracking uses only one dynamic microphone beam. This automatically tracks the person speaking in the room, even if they are moving.

This keeps the sound quality constant and allows more flexibility in video conferencing with optimal detection and tracking of speakers in the room.