Video bars

Video bars are all-in-one devices for video conferences in small to medium-sized conference rooms. They consist of at least a camera, a microphone and loudspeakers. Many video bars offer Plug&Play for easy setup and use and optimize professional collaboration.

Video bars by platform

Always on the right side with platform-certified devices

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is now one of the largest UC providers. The hardware manufacturers have adapted to this. There are numerous video bars for Microsoft Teams on the market. To be on the safe side, you should use certified devices for your Microsoft Teams meeting environment. As a consultant and reseller with the highest Microsoft partner status, we have many different solutions and will be happy to advise you on all aspects of the topic.

Videobars für Microsoft


With the development of Zoom One, the software not only offers pure video conferencing and therefore more than enough options for companies to use this platform for corporate communication. The intuitive interface has been retained. As one of the "big players" on the market, there are a large number of Zoom-certified video bars. As a Zoom partner, we stock all the major manufacturers and can offer good conditions for larger projects.

Videobars für Zoom

Cisco Webex

Cisco Webex is not only a video conferencing provider, but also manufactures devices for its own video conferencing platform and, since 2023, also for Microsoft Teams. The hardware manufacturer pays particular attention to high-quality devices and meeting experiences. Within the Cisco Webex portfolio, you will find several video bars for small and medium-sized conference rooms. We are Cisco Gold Integrators and will be happy to help you make the right decision.

Videobars für Webex

Google Meet

Google Meet is a hidden player that is making a name for itself in the video conferencing market. The platform is an excellent alternative and can be integrated into the popular Google Suite. This means that companies that already work with Google applications do not have to use an application they are not familiar with for video conferencing.

Videobars für Google Meet

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Work areas

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No problem - on our workspaces page we present our conference room concepts for all room sizes and in various price categories. Here you will find aesthetically pleasing, state-of-the-art solutions. Both as a direct offer and simply for inspiration.

Zeigen Sie mir die Arbeitsbereiche

Equip conference rooms

DEKOM helps you with all aspects of the conference room in every phase of the project. Whether in planning, implementation or follow-up - regardless of whether you have already integrated a communication platform or are now switching over.

DEKOM plans, advises and supports you throughout the entire project. We will then be happy to help you and your employees to integrate the new meeting room efficiently into everyday life.

So hilft Ihnen DEKOM