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Training & Utilisation

How we optimize your usage

Usage analysis

We have the necessary tools to track your level of usage. We evaluate these statistics and make them available to you in order to optimize the level of usage.

End-user training

For more complex, new products and technologies, training may be necessary to ensure optimal use of the equipment.

Best practice instructions

Our marketing department will be happy to create best practice instructions for you in your customer's own CI. This minimizes training costs and still ensures correct use.

Internal communication

With internal newsletters and the evaluation of these, we inform your employees and identify groups of people who are not yet aware of the new solutions.

The DEKOM project process

Consulting & Sales

We determine the necessary services for you and find your personal contact.

To consulting & sales

Procurement & Installation

We turn the concept planned with you into reality with the help of our experienced technicians and project managers.

To procurement & installation

Service & Support

We guarantee the long-term availability of your devices based on your individual service concept.

To Service & Support

Planning & Conception

We develop a ready-made concept for you that meets all your requirements and achieves your stated goals.

To planning & conception

Training & Utilisation

We evaluate the use of your new solution and help you to optimize it.