LED walls

Large, high-contrast images in the best color quality - that's the promise of Fine Pixel LED walls. Whether in conference rooms, concert halls, shopping centers or in the reception area of your company, there are no limits to the many possible applications.

Fine pixel pitch LEDs

For a long time, LED walls were only used outdoors, as the images only looked good from a distance due to the large pixel pitch. However, a lot has happened in the development of LED walls in recent years. The technology is now so advanced that a very small pixel pitch can be achieved so that it is also possible to see a sharp image from a short distance. The pixel pitch describes the distance between the center of one pixel to the center of the pixel directly next to it. A pixel pitch of less than 2.5mm is referred to as the fine pitch. With a lower pixel pitch, the viewing distance decreases for a certain resolution. Due to the higher pixel density, the eye can then fully perceive the resolution even at a closer viewing distance.

These displays can be found at airports, in boardrooms, lounges, television studios, control centers, reception areas and perhaps soon in your conference room?

Areas of application for LED walls

Lecture hall


Event hall

Selection criteria for the right LED wall

LED walls at a glance: