Bring Your Own Device and Meeting

BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) is the norm these days, and BYOM is the next step up. But how can conference rooms be optimally equipped for BYOD and BYOM? We can help you find the right solution.

Solutions for wireless presentations

Ein Arbeitsteam im Meeting, sitzt um einen Tisch herum und arbeitet zusammen, im Hintergrund ein Bildschirm mit dem Alleo Canvas

True collaboration

Thanks to true collaboration tools such as Alleo and T1V, you and your conversation partners can work together effortlessly in a borderless workspace. Simply share a link or access code and you can work together from anywhere, hold presentations and share, exchange or even collaborate on content. These easy-to-use tools are an excellent solution for BYOD. Whether you use your laptop or smartphone, Alleo and T1V guarantee fast and smooth access.

Mehr zu Collaboration
Einen Frau präsentiert mit ihrem Tablet in der Hand vor mehreren Menschen, die am Tisch sitzen. Im Hintergrund ist ein interaktives Whiteboard

Whiteboards for BYOD

Some whiteboard manufacturers such as DTEN and Avocor have recognized the importance of BYOD and offer specially optimized devices that take your meetings to a whole new level.

With an intuitive plug & play connection, you, colleagues, customers or business partners can simply connect with a USB-C cable and get started. This allows you to share ideas, visualize content and collaborate efficiently in a BYOD environment, even with different devices.