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Service & Support

How we guarantee your use

Typical services of our Competence Center

Service level agreements

With our service level agreements, you transfer responsibility for the provision of defined services to DEKOM. Determine for yourself how much service you need and where with our three-tier service concept.

Managed services

Our experienced service technicians take responsibility for your video conferencing environment. They manage and monitor your servers and services, solve problems and thus ensure flawless operation.

Remote access appliance

RAA provides you with an ultra-fast early warning system for your enterprise AV environment that detects problems at an early stage and thus shortens response times. Our SLAs can be extended with RAA.

Proactive monitoring

Proactive remote monitoring of devices and their status, remotely or on site. We check devices, their signal paths and components for correct functioning. This identifies faults before users notice any difficulties.

On-Site engineer

If required, we can provide you with a professional service technician who is familiar with the devices and their functions and can check the functions and signal paths of the systems for faults and rectify errors on your premises.


Our support team is always available by phone, email or video conference to actively assist you with errors and problems. Our technicians can also carry out remote processes directly on your computer via remote access.

Maintenance contracts

Define maintenance plans for your devices and solutions and we will always keep your devices up to date, check any error messages and the connection status to avoid possible failures.

Repairs / Recovery

Thanks to our in-house service workshop, we have our own repair service that diagnoses faults and carries out warranty repairs as well as system repairs on third-party devices.

The DEKOM project process

Consulting & Sales

We determine the necessary services for you and find your personal contact.

To consulting & sales

Procurement & Installation

We turn the concept planned with you into reality with the help of our experienced technicians and project managers.

To procurement & installation

Service & Support

We guarantee the long-term availability of your devices based on your individual service concept.

Planning & Conception

We develop a ready-made concept for you that meets all your requirements and achieves your stated goals.

To planning & conception

Training & Utilisation

We evaluate the use of your new solution and help you to optimize it.

To training & use